Frequently Asked Questions
Can I be a guest student at your university?
It is possible for candidates who are graduates or students of a higher education institution to take the courses offered at our university as a "Guest Student" without being enrolled in any programme. Guest student admission is made within the framework of the relevant legislation provisions of YÖK and the principles determined by the Regulation. Guest students are given a guest student ID card and a document showing the courses they have taken and their grades. No diploma is given. Those who register as guest students at our university cannot benefit from student rights during their education.
Are there any rights granted to foreign students?
The admission of foreign students to our undergraduate programmes is carried out within the framework of the provisions of the relevant regulations of YÖK and the principles and quotas determined by the Senate.
What is the medium of instruction of your faculty?
The medium of instruction of our faculty is English.
Which languages other than English can I learn at your university?
Students are offered a choice of foreign languages that they can take in addition to the foreign language required by the programme they are studying. There are foreign language courses such as German, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. Students can benefit from the language options free of charge and receive a certificate when they complete the required training.
When is the final course registration process?
The first thing to be done for course registration in our faculty is to take the courses on the 'Pre-registration' dates. Pre-registration is done in August for the autumn term and in January for the spring term. It is compulsory to do this process in order to perform the final registration process. The final registration dates are in September for the autumn semester and in the last week of January for the spring semester. Students are obliged to make their final registrations within the specified dates in order to determine the courses they will study.
What is 'Add - Drop' (Add- Drop)? How is it done?
The right to add-drop is a right given to the student to take the courses that he / she could not take during the final registration, if any, in order to correct his / her programme again. With this right, the student can arrange the weekly course programme. However, this right is not compulsory. Add - Drop week is held in the second week of the beginning of the academic terms. Add - Drop week takes place two (2) weeks after the semester education starts. Within these dates, changes in accordance with the regulations are processed after being reviewed by the relevant Faculty Administrative Board.
What is 'Withdrawal from a Course'? How is it done?
Withdrawal is a one-time right given to courses taken during the semester. The student has the right to withdraw from the course once if he/she has not received a grade of F or W before. Withdrawal from the course is made within the dates announced by the university administration.
Is Summer School compulsory?
Attending summer school is not compulsory. It is optional. Students who are placed in quotas with full scholarship do not pay any fee for summer education. Students placed in quotas with 50% scholarship pay 50% of the summer education fee, students placed in quotas with 25% scholarship pay 75% of the summer education fee, and students placed in quotas without scholarship pay the full course fee for summer education.
Are there ERASMUS and Student Exchange Programmes at your university?
Erasmus and exchange programmes are available in our faculty. You can get detailed information from our Erasmus Coordinators.
What is the duration of the academic year in transfer?
The time spent outside the foreign language preparatory class before the transfer is included in the academic year. In this context, the total education period of a student who transfers from a four-year undergraduate programme to another four-year undergraduate programme cannot exceed seven years. These periods are determined not to exceed eight years for programmes with a five-year education period and nine years for programmes with a six-year education period.
What are the conditions for admission to a double major or minor programme?
In order to apply for a double major programme, the student must have a GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 and must have a placement score not less than the base score of the double major programme in the relevant year. In order to apply for minor programmes, the GPA must be at least 2.50 out of 4.00. In order to start the Minor and Minor programmes, a learning protocol must be signed between the relevant departments, including the additional courses, equivalent courses and common courses that the student must take, and this protocol must be accepted by the senate of our university. More detailed information on the implementation of DMP and Minor programmes can be found in the Yeditepe University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Training Regulations published on our university website.
The student may leave the DMP or minor programme voluntarily or under the conditions stipulated in the undergraduate regulations. If the student leaves the DMP or minor programme, he/she does not have to repeat the courses in the failed DMP or minor programme. A second major undergraduate diploma is given to the student who has obtained the right to graduate from the main undergraduate programme in which he / she is enrolled and who completes the DMP programme, and a minor certificate is given to the student who completes the minor programme. You can visit our Regulations web page for details.
Can I do double major and minor programmes with scholarship at your university?
In order to study double major with scholarship, there is a GPA requirement of 3.25 out of 4.00. In order to do minor programmes with scholarship, there is a GPA requirement of 3.00 out of 4.00.
What is the minimum GPA required to continue double major and minor programmes?
During the double major education, the GPA of the student's second major may drop to 2.50 for one time only. Students whose GPA falls below 2.50 for the second time are dismissed from the second major diploma programme. In order for the student to continue the minor programme, the GPA in the major programme must be at least 2.30. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be dismissed from the minor programme.
Can students drop their double major and minor programmes voluntarily?
Students may leave their double major or minor programmes voluntarily or under the conditions stipulated in the undergraduate regulations. If a student leaves the double major or minor programme, he/she does not have to repeat the courses in the double major or minor programme that he/she failed.
What is the minimum GPA required to continue the double major and minor programmes?
During the double major education, the GPA of the student's second major may drop to 2.50 for one time only. Students whose GPA falls below 2.50 for the second time are dismissed from the second major diploma programme. In order for the student to continue the minor programme, the GPA in the major programme must be at least 2.30. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be dismissed from the minor programme.
Can I do double major and minor programmes with scholarship at your university?
In order to study double major with scholarship, there is a requirement of 3.25 GPA over 4.00. In order to do minor programmes with scholarship, there is a requirement of 3.00 GPA over 4.00.
For detailed information; You can visit our Diameter - Minor page.
Can I be a guest student at your university?
It is possible for candidates who are graduates or students of a higher education institution to take the courses offered at our university as "Guest Student" without being enrolled in any programme. Guest student admission is made within the framework of the relevant legislation provisions of YÖK and the principles determined by the Regulation. Guest students are given a guest student ID card and a document showing the courses they have taken and their grades. No diploma is given. Those who register as guest students at our university cannot benefit from student rights during their education.
Are there any rights granted to foreign students?
The admission of foreign students to our undergraduate programmes is carried out within the framework of the provisions of the relevant regulations of YÖK and the principles and quotas determined by the Senate.
How can I do double major and minor at Yeditepe University?
A protocol must be signed between the relevant departments for double major and minor. In addition to their main undergraduate programmes, our university offers undergraduate students the opportunity to receive a second undergraduate diploma as a student in a different programme within the university (double major) or to study in a minor programme to enable them to gain knowledge in a specific field. Students who fulfil the necessary conditions can apply for a double major in their third and fifth semesters at the earliest, and for a minor in their third semester at the latest. For the application, the petition and grade certificates must be submitted to the relevant programme chairs.
For detailed information; You can visit our Minor - Minor page.
What are the units I need to consult about a subject I have a problem with?
For academic issues, you can get support from your counsellors and department heads. For administrative issues, you can get support from your department secretariats and faculty secretary.
Can I make my application about the subject I will apply for without coming to my faculty?
In order for your application to be valid, your application petition must have a writing number and must be registered. For this reason, remote applications will not be accepted.
In which periods should I submit my internship application documents?
Your internship application documents must be brought within the periods announced by our faculty during the semester. Documents not brought within the application dates will not be accepted.
I have missing parts that need to be filled in the course registration petition? Can I submit my petition in this form?
In the course registration petitions, your contact, department, advisor, etc. information, the code and name of the course you request, the parts you want to add-drop-withdraw, the explanation section, the course schedule, the areas that are not filled in the advisor and department head approval will not be accepted by our departments. These fields must be filled in completely and submitted to your department.
Can I apply to my faculty with a petition on public holidays, religious holidays and weekly holidays?
Since our faculty will not be working on the specified days, the applications will not be official.
Where can I get detailed information about the regulations to which our faculty is affiliated?
You can get information about the regulations etc. from the websites of our university and faculty, and from our faculty, you can get information from counsellors, department heads and faculty secretary.
Where can I get information about exchange programmes such as Erasmus, Exchange, Farabi?
You can get information about exchange programmes from the International Office of our school and Erasmus Coordinators in our faculty.