INDD 100 Principles of Basic Design - I 
Credit (2 + 6 + 0) 4

In addition to the reinforcement of basic artistic knowledge, the students' predisposition to the material, concentration and meticulousness are also developed.
Making 2 and 3 dimensional compositions and arrangements based on the basic principles of composition.
Applications related to Black-White and Color, re-evaluation with an abstract-concrete understanding.
In a completely free space, students think freely but without losing a certain discipline, transforming their thoughts into production with imagination.
Theoretical and practical studies in which the mutual effects of basic art and design elements such as light, color, shadow, point, line, line, form, space, texture, etc. and compositional principles such as balance, rhythm, harmony, proportion, measure, repetition, integrity are discussed. Giving general pictorial skills with applications to gain the basic elements and principles of design. Investigation of objects in nature in terms of form and the application of plastic language and its constituent elements by examining them with different methods.

INDD 101 Modeling (Department Compulsory Elective I)


Credit (2 + 2 + 0) 3

Within the scope of the design discipline, three-dimensional design and model making is carried out using materials such as clay, plaster, plastirin, plaster, etc. Students learn the methods of obtaining design concepts in three dimensions using materials such as plastirin, clay, etc.

INDD 105 Pattern and Drawing Techniques - I 
Credit (2 + 4 + 0) 5

Examination and application of drawing techniques with various drawing materials. Study of drawing examples of classical artists.
Explanation and application of the basics of perspective for the application of three-dimensional pattern drawings.
Developing students' drawing skills, having the ability to apply the desired drawing. Development of drawing skills with various drawing tools and materials such as charcoal, pastel, drawing pencil, abstract, concrete, sketch and drawing studies from living and non-living models. Patterning by examining important examples selected from different art schools and periods. This discipline will be continued by expanding its scope in the following semesters.

INDD 121 Introduction to Design (Department Compulsory Elective I)
Credit (1+1+ 0) 2

Giving the necessary information for the design process and project design and determining the factors affecting the product design. This discipline will be continued by expanding its scope in the following semesters.

INDD 142 Presentation Expression Techniques 
Prerequisite: None
Credit (1 + 1 + 0) 2

The use of formal and freehand drawing and expression techniques, plans, sections, views and perspectives in both the preparation and the expression of the final product in research, development and project design processes. Application of all pictorial expression techniques and methods from simple sketches to colorful, detailed and realistic expressions required for the design process. Giving coloring techniques. Ensuring the teaching of drawing, sketching and colorful realistic expressions of industrial objects by applying different drawing and coloring techniques every week. Giving the necessary knowledge and practices to make drawing, sketching and color expressions in design and projecting processes.

INDD 161 Industrial Design Technical Drawing 
Credit (2+3+0) 5 

The technical and constructive structures of the products that can be produced serially in the industry, to transfer the technical drawing and information required for the project design with a standard expression language that can be used in the production process. Introduction of drawing tools and equipment, drawing of basic geometric forms and drawing principles of design products, plan, section, appearance, scales, dimensioning, giving detailed information about the detailed information. Gaining the ability to prepare two and three dimensional production documents that will be useful during and after the education. 

INDD 162 Perspective for Industrial Designers 
Prerequisite: INDD 161 Industrial Design Technical Drawing 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3 

To transfer the technical drawing and information required for the project design of the technical and constructive structures of the products that can be produced serially in the industry with an advanced expression language that can be used in the production process. Gaining advanced three-dimensional drawing and expression skills that will be useful during and after the education. Explaining the rules of expressing complicated forms with parallel and conical (artistic) advanced perspective drawing techniques.

INDD 128 Pattern and Drawing Techniques- II 
Prerequisite: INDD 105 Pattern and Drawing Techniques I
Credit (2 + 4 + 0) 4 

Examination and application of drawing techniques with various drawing materials. Study of drawing examples of classical artists.
Explanation and application of the basics of perspective for the application of three-dimensional pattern drawings.
Developing students' drawing skills, having the ability to apply the desired drawing.  Development of drawing skills with various drawing tools and materials such as charcoal, pastel, drawing pencil, abstract, concrete, sketch and drawing studies from living and non-living models. Patterning by examining important examples selected from different art schools and periods. This discipline will be continued by expanding its scope in the following semesters.

INDD 108 Principles of Basic Design - II 
Prerequisite: INDD 100 Principles of Basic Design I
Credit (2 + 6 + 0) 5 

In addition to the reinforcement of basic artistic knowledge, the students' predisposition to the material, concentration and meticulousness are also developed.
Making 2 and 3 dimensional compositions and arrangements based on the basic principles of composition.
Applications related to Black-White and Color, re-evaluation with an abstract-concrete understanding.
In a completely free space, students think freely but without losing a certain discipline, transforming their thoughts into production with imagination.
Theoretical and practical studies in which the mutual effects of basic art and design elements such as light, color, shadow, point, line, line, form, space, texture, etc. and compositional principles such as balance, rhythm, harmony, proportion, measure, repetition, integrity are discussed. Giving general pictorial skills with applications to gain the basic elements and principles of design. Investigation of objects in nature in terms of form and the application of plastic language and its constituent elements through various methods.

INDD 124 Model and Prototype Making (Department Compulsory Elective II)
Credit (2 + 2 + 0) 3 

To introduce modeling and model making techniques, basic modeling criteria, model materials, tools used in model making and to teach related technical terms. To illustrate experiments with three-dimensional models aiming at the examination or preliminary inspection of the product or production to be designed. Sample studies made with different materials and techniques to reach the final product with variations ranging from modeling of operational and application problems to prototype construction. Definition, principles and methods of three-dimensional work. 

INDD XXX Department Elective - I

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

INDD 201 Project - I 

Prerequisite: INDD 162 Perspective for Industrial Designers 
Credit (4+ 4 + 0) 6 

Giving the ability to evaluate the change and development of products to be produced in large numbers through industry under different factors. To ensure the realization of original designs by applying research and development and appropriate drawing techniques.

This discipline will be applied by expanding its scope as the grade level increases.

INDD 281 Structure 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2

Basic concepts related to structure, strength, durability, material, technology, form and structure relationship; historical development of structure, traditional and contemporary structures; carved, roofed, skeleton, shell/surface, spatial-cage, suspended-tensioned, tent, pneumatic and mixed systems, basic principles of structural aspects in product design in the field of EÜT.

INDD 231 Materials and Production Methods
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2 

Introducing the general and physical properties of the materials used in industry and the physical, chemical and visual behaviors of these materials in construction, usage and production processes. Detailed examination of the types of materials in the field of industrial product design. Basic concepts and principles in the relationship between material, construction method, result product in terms of industrial product design, design, material relationship. Mechanical effects on materials and their relationship with the use of materials in industrial design. Thermal effects in materials. Water effect, moisture problems and material selection. Sound effects, acoustic problems and material selection. Deterioration of materials as a result of physico-chemical effects, problems arising in industrial products and material selection. Material standards. Polymer materials. Definition, classification, standard, history of use. Physical, mechanical, chemical properties. Various production techniques and methods used in the production of industrial products. Relationships of these methods with material structure and properties. Effects of shaping on production methods and processes. Features of mass production, manual, mechanical, automatic processes. Production tools, production methods, comparisons. Printing, pressing, casting, bending, casting, drawing, cutting, gluing, riveting, etc. important production methods and techniques. Experiments on applied samples. Production and material selection and utilization errors. Control of production processes. Workshop, Manifacture, Fabrication production and its features.

TKL 201 Turkish Language - I 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2 

In this course, the student will gain the ability to use Turkish correctly and beautifully by emphasizing the structure and functioning features of the mother tongue, starting from spelling rules, punctuation marks, composition, and in the meantime, important literary works in Turkish language will be introduced.

INDD XXX Department Elective - II

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

HUM 103 History of Civilization 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2

The aim of the course is to teach the sources of civilizations, the birth and development of beliefs, thoughts, arts, institutions and values of civilizations, the basic features that distinguish them from each other, similar aspects, and to give the student a general perspective on their reflections today.

INDD 202 Project - II 
Prerequisite: INDD 201 Project - I 
Credit (4 + 4 + 0) 6 

Giving the ability to evaluate the change and development of products to be produced in large numbers through industry under different factors. Ensuring the realization of original designs through research and development, information and education. This discipline will be continued by expanding its scope in the following semesters.

INDD 212 Ergonomics 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2 

Solving problems related to human-environmental-equipment factors encountered in design and project design with the help of occupational science data and standards. General information about maintaining healthy and efficient actions, performance and other design criteria in work, design environment and product use. Interface concept. Comparison of human-machine systems and their capabilities. Fundamentals of human efficiency. Anthropometric and biomechanical data. Motion time analysis. Information and information processing. Occupational safety, automation and protection at work.

INDD 252 Computer Aided Industrial Design
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2 

Meaning and scope of Computer Aided Design, evolution of computers, computer components, computer operation, introduction of new computer software and equipment used in designing, drawing, modeling processes and giving product design ways and methods with the help of applications in this field. Application of two and three dimensional drawing, modeling and experimentation principles to benefit from computer support in drawing and projecting activities in both educational and professional fields. Applications with AutoCad, RhinoCeros and other CAD programs. Other CAD software related to close specializations other than industrial product design. Three dimensional drawings and their production, CAM principles and examples.

INDD 232 Design History 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2

The phases of industry and design from the beginning to the present day and their effects on contemporary production and plastic arts. Analyzing the historical development of design in various aspects. Overview of design activities throughout the ages with different socio-cultural structure features. The development of the concept of need-tool production in prehistoric periods. The development of the tools of use in the prehistoric medieval periods in terms of civilizations and technologies. The periods from the Medieval Period to the Renaissance and before the Industrial Revolution; tools of use, periods, characteristics and production cultures. The characteristics and production approaches of the periods before and after the Industrial Revolution. Rationalization. Bauhaus. New inventions and their contributions to design processes. Important 20th century design approaches and their effects on contemporary art and design. Historical events, facts and developments related to general design schools and approaches.  

TKL 202 Turkish Language - II 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2 

In this course, the student will gain the ability to use Turkish correctly and beautifully by emphasizing the structure and functioning features of the mother tongue, starting from spelling rules, punctuation marks, composition, and in the meantime, important literary works in Turkish language will be introduced. It is a continuation of TKL 201 - Turkish Language - I course.

INDD XXX Department Elective - III

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

HTR 301 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution - I 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2 

The action phase of the Turkish Revolution History, the war period and its goals, education in the field of politics and law, the organization of cultural and social life. Atatürk and state life. The main principles of the Turkish State. Atatürk and national education. Atatürk and history. Atatürk and fine arts. Atatürk and language. Atatürk and law. Atatürk and economic doctrine. Atatürk and youth. Kemalism as a world view. The establishment of the Republic of Turkey. Revolutions. Basic characters of the Republic. Republicanism. Nationalism. Statism. Populism. Secularism and Revolutionism principles. The universal value of the integral Turkish Revolution. Processing of Kemalist Thought System.

INDD 301 Project - III 
Prerequisite: INDD 202 Project - II 
Credit (4 + 4 + 0) 6 

Giving the ability to evaluate the change and development of products to be produced in large numbers through industry under different factors. To ensure the realization of original designs through research and development, information and education. This discipline will be continued by expanding its scope in the following semesters.

INDD 321 Design Theories 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2 

Explaining the contents of design processes in industrial product design, being informed about systematic problem solving methods, researching the methods of defining the design problem, and discussing the theoretical, theoretical approaches to explain the situations that product designer candidates may encounter in all areas of their professional practice, and making them equipped in terms of theoretical approaches.

INDD 361 3D Modeling Techniques on Computer 
Prerequisite: None
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2 

To teach the current software under the main title of Computer Aided Design in order to help the project studies of Industrial Design students. Explaining the general logic of the computer and the working logic of Computer Aided Design programs. McNeel company RhinoCeros program and its capabilities. Drawing advanced three-dimensional geometric forms and designs with the help of RhinoCeros program. Working on better presentation of designs visually and technically with this drawing method.

ELEC XXX Free Elective - I

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

HTR 302 Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution - II 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2 

The action phase of the Turkish Revolution History, the war period and its goals, education in the field of politics and law, the organization of cultural and social life. Atatürk and state life. The main principles of the Turkish State. At

INDD 302 Project - IV 
Prerequisite:INDD 301 Project - III 
Credit (4 + 4 + 0) 6 

Giving the ability to evaluate the change and development of products to be produced in large numbers through industry under different factors. To ensure the realization of original designs through research and development, information and education. This discipline will be continued by expanding its scope in the following semesters.

INDD 312 Technical Physics 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2

One of the important and determining factors in industrial product design is the technical and physical properties of the product. In this context, it is aimed to analytically examine and develop technical physical relationships from design to product and from product to design. Explaining and examining the basic physical and physicochemical concepts, starting from matter, mechanical behavior, motion, vibrations, sound (acoustics), light (optics), heat and temperature, magnetic and electricity, physical issues such as technical and technological properties and industrial products.

INDD 362 Advanced 3D Modeling on Computer 
Credit (3+ 0 + 0) 3 

Principles and advanced application of 3D drawing in order for Industrial Design students to benefit from computer support in drawing and design activities in both educational and professional fields. For this purpose, Autodesk's Rhinoceros and professional application software of different companies will be introduced (MYRA, M3D, 3D Home Architect, DesignCAD etc.).

ELEC XXX Elective - II

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3 

INDD 401 Project - V 

Prerequisite: INDD 302 Project - IV 
Credit (4 + 4 + 0) 6 

Designing projects in accordance with new and contemporary concepts by utilizing the material, form and production characteristics of mass-produced products. Evaluating the change and development of these products under different factors. Determination of design elements, their properties, value judgments and all other criteria. Designs with simple elements, development of the usage and perception dimensions of these designs. Improvement and refinement studies. Development and design of lean programmed products. Design of large and complex consumer and investment products or systems. For project studies at all levels; original projects for the solution of the problems arising in the form, function and human-product relations of the developed products in the second and third dimensions.

INDD 431 Computer Aided Animation 
Credit (2 + 2 + 0) 3

This course focuses on the use of appropriate methods for modeling surfaces for animation. It is aimed to realize the concepts of organic forms by applying aesthetic and design principles and 3D computer animations.

INDD 443 Design Management 
Credit (2 + 0 + 0) 2

The aim of the course is to define the concept of design management by examining the tools in the product design and development process, the analysis of business and strategy models and the design competencies of firms through examples. The design management course includes the examination of examples of the use of industrial product design as a competitive tool by companies in the global market and economy.

ELEC XXX Elective - III
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3 

INDD 400 Internship I
Prerequisite: None
Credit(0+0+0) 0

The aim of this course is to enable students to recognize the application areas related to the Industrial Design profession they are studying and to create opportunities for them to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired through education and training by participating in the processes of Industrial Design practice, even for a short time.

INDD 432 Advanced Computer 3D Presentation Techniques and 3D Printing
Prerequisite: None
Credit (2 + 2 + 0) 3

This course focuses on the use of appropriate methods for modeling surfaces for animation. It is aimed to realize the concepts of organic forms by applying aesthetic and design principles and 3D computer animations.

ELEC XXX Elective - IV

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3 

ELEC XXX Elective - V
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3 

INDD 492 Graduation Project 
Prerequisite: INDD 401 Project - V 
Credit (4 + 4 + 0) 6 

The capstone project is a less guided study than other projects aimed at maximizing the development of the formation formed by the specialization courses taken from the industrial design curriculum and evaluating the result of this. Project design of more advanced and complex programmed designs compared to intermediate projects and previous semesters. Design with advanced systems and methods, experimental approaches in automotive and transportation systems design. Design and design of large and complex structured products or systems that can respond to all aspects of production and consumption products. In addition, both in the first and last semester projects; for project studies at all levels, the second dimension form, function, size problems of the developed products and the performance, usage, communication, etc. that arise in human-product relations are reconsidered in an experimental working environment. New and original solutions of the final products.

INDD 499 Internship II
Prerequisite: None
Credit (0+0+0) 0

To enable students to recognize the application areas related to the Industrial Design profession they are studying and to create opportunities for them to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired through education and training by participating in the processes of Industrial Design practice, even for a short time.


INDD 200 Reverse Design

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

To disassemble the materials / components that make up the existing manufactured product by disassembling them in the order of assembly. In this way, it is to examine the assembly stages, to determine the relationship between design and production, to examine / interpret the materials and production methods that make up the product. While reaching the answer to the question "how does it work?" depending on all these features, it is also to reveal the formal and functional relationship of the product.

INDD 215 Structural Packaging Design

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

The general aim of this course is to teach design students to design structurally innovative packaging by learning production methods and design methods in the packaging industry.

INDD 251 Creativity Techniques 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

Various approaches to creativity will be reviewed and then evaluated. The aim of the course is to learn and use creativity methods suitable for designers. The concept of creativity will be introduced. How designers try to keep their creativity alive when dealing with real situations and wicked problems will be discussed. The overall aim of this course is to teach design students to design structurally innovative packaging by learning production methods and design methods in the packaging industry.

INDD 333 Sustainability in Design

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

Through readings and discussions, the course aims to familiarize students with the concepts of sustainability, ecology and sustainable design from an interdisciplinary perspective and to raise awareness of the role of sustainability in the design and product development process. Students will learn about product-related environmental impacts, sustainable use of energy and material resources in the design process, and how to design the least environmentally impactful product.

INDD 371 History of Furniture 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

Examination of furniture design and production from Antiquity to the 19th century in the historical, economic, socio-cultural and artistic contexts of the periods to which they belong.

INDD 391 Cultural Approaches in Design 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

Designed objects, systems or experiences are complex constructs of culture and have complex effects on culture. The course examines evolving concepts of culture, including visual culture, in a theoretically grounded project. Current approaches to the study of material culture, consumption and everyday life are discussed. A short field study, a socio-ethnographic case study and an analysis of the meaning of products embedded in everyday life practices and particular conceptions of lifestyle are part of the syllabus.

INDD 381 Yacht Design 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

Transferring the design / production process of pleasure boats (yachts) and the place of industrial product designers in this process with examples. The development of recreational boats (yachts), design rules, production stages and the role of the designer in this process.

INDD 412 Marketing 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3
To introduce the basic principles of marketing science, to teach the related terminology, to show the relations of this science with managerial disciplines such as economics, consumer behavior, Urbanization and consumption. Marketing geography, producer, distributor and control of distribution. Distribution Enterprises. Retailer trade, company types and financial resources in distribution, new techniques. Development of distribution system. Government and marketing relationship. Organization and method, political and economic structure. Sales and production policies and strategies. Advertising, organizational problems. Planning and development, budget, costs. Strategy, various innovations, determination.  To teach the student to use marketing science as a product designer through projects.

INDD 441 Conceptual Automotive Design - I

Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

The aim of the course, given in cooperation with Ford/Otosan, is to explain the concept of design and to examine the material, technology, aesthetics and human factors in automotive design in detail in design processes.

INDD 452 Organization of Space 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3 

The course content focuses on the role of the designer in the planning of processes, spatial experience and the realization of corporate events at various scales. It covers topics such as user-space and design product-space relationships, anthropometric data, communicating brand/corporate identity through the design environment, defining corporate events by sharing project examples from event planning agencies and companies.

INDD 471 Trademark and Design Law 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3 

After analyzing the design law in detail and for practical needs within the framework of Turkish and international legislation, giving general information about the other secondary elements of industrial rights (trademark, patent and utility model) and supporting all these studies with English legal sources.

INDD 472 Portfolio Design 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3

The aim of the course is to contribute to the preparation process of designer candidates' portfolios, which are the strategic elements of job applications on the eve of their professional career. Students who complete this course at the end of the semester will be able to design and prepare their portfolios as "product designer" in creative formats in A4-A3 formats as hardcopy, design and prepare their portfolios as "product designer" in creative formats as digital presentation, collect and design materials such as CV, business card, cover letter etc. in Turkish and English required for professional job applications.

INDD 491 Trend Analysis and Branding 
Credit (3 + 0 + 0) 3 

Within the scope of the course, socio-cultural indicators are defined, processes and techniques are studied, past and future trends are discussed. The methods that cause future trends related to design are examined. In addition, brand management is handled in terms of competitive strategy and includes studies on how brands are managed.

INDD 497 Additive Manufacturing for Innovative Design - 3D Printing

Prerequisite: None
Credit (2+2+0) 3

The general aim of this course is to evaluate how the concept of production is progressing with 3D printers, scanners and hybrid production technologies, the application areas, advantages and disadvantages of these technologies, the types of materials used and their sectoral usage areas, and their contributions and effects on design and subsequent production processes.