1. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ARCH 103 | Information Technology for Architects | Core |
ARCH 109 | Introduction to Architectural Design and Ethics | Core |
ARCH 113 | Building Materials | Core |
FA 102 | Architectural Basic Design | Core |
FA 106 | Drawing Techniques | Core |
HUM 103 | Humanities | Core |
MATH 135 | Descrıptıve Geometry and Analysıs | Core |
2. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ARCH 105 | Computer Aided Representation Techniques | Core |
ARCH 110 | Construction 1 | Core |
ARCH 111 | Design Studies | Core |
ARCH 112 | Introduction to Theories of Architectural Design | Core |
ARCH 138 | Architectural Presentation Skills | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 1 | Compulsory |
3. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ARCH 200 | Construction Site Internship | Core |
ARCH 207 | History and Theory of Architecture I | Core |
ARCH 210 | Construction 2 | Core |
ARCH 253 | Architectural Design I | Core |
ARCH 261 | Building Statics | Core |
- | Elective - Area - 1 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Core - 1 | Compulsory |
4. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ARCH 208 | History and Theory of Architecture II | Core |
ARCH 254 | Architectural Design II | Core |
ARCH 290 | Fundamentals of Building Physics | Core |
ARCH 300 | Office Internship | Core |
- | Elective - Area - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Core - 2 | Compulsory |
5. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ARCH 301 | Planning and Execution Concepts | Core |
ARCH 320 | Theories of Contemporary World Architecture | Core |
ARCH 345 | Architectural Structural Design | Core |
ARCH 353 | Architectural Design III | Core |
ARCH 390 | Building Services Systems and Fire Safety | Core |
HTR 301 | History of Turkish Revolution I | Core |
6. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ARCH 315 | Introduction to Urban Design | Core |
ARCH 321 | Architectural Conservation | Core |
ARCH 354 | Architectural Design IV | Core |
HTR 302 | History of Turkish Revolution II | Core |
- | Elective - Area - 4 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Area - 3 | Compulsory |
7. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ARCH 347 | Construction Project | Core |
ARCH 391 | Seminars on Architectural Practice | Core |
ARCH 453 | Architectural Design V | Core |
- | Elective - Area - 5 | Compulsory |
8. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
ARCH 486 | Project Management | Core |
ARCH 493 | Architectural Design VI | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 30 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 4 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 3 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 29 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 1 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Free - 3 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Area - 6 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 2 | Compulsory |